Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Studio Day 19 Blues Harp and Penny Whistle

Our last day to record instruments wowowow! Huggybear graced us with his soulful blues harp and a special treat of an ethereal penny whistle for our special last day of recording.

We started the session with the bluesy funk of No More. Huggybear took a supportive role in his first few takes and with some direction from Adam went more toward a soloist showcase shine. Next up was Lightening Strikes Twice which is bluesy rock tune and Huggybear fit the genre to a tee and gave the bluesy feel authenticity especially when he doubled the melody of  lyric, Lightening Strikes Twice very cool! The trippy, spacey Take The Sleek Train was further entranced with the train like long tones of Huggybear's harp.

The final track was Today and Huggybear started off doubling Alice's gorgeous keys but since we have her doing that part so well Adam suggested Huggybear to be more of a soloist in the no vocal sections and he sounded great once he got the feel of this rock tune!
Huggybear had the next trick up his sleeve when he brought out his penny whistle and he had an idea for the ending of the song. He played a lush and haunting riff that really sounds like a beautiful flute! We loved it so much we added it to both endings of the choruses very lovely! Huggybear was reticent about recording this track but I think its a stand out for sure.
After giving Huggybear a lift to skytrain we began editing his tracks and finished all except No More. Next week will finish the edit and let the MIXING begin!
So very exciting how all the pieces are fitting together and having great musicians Alice, Huggybear, Elliot and Adam sharing their wonderful talent I am truly blessed! Adam's great and amazing ears, ideas and editing skills are another source of excellence wow he is so fast and we agree on almost all the best takes too which is even more wonderous! Feeling very grateful and thrilled.
Huggybear is Harmonica King

Huggybear's secret weapon a 42 Setchell Carlson tube pa head  (yes as in 1942) Adam thought maybe it was used in a prison.

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