Sunday, January 13, 2019

Brand New Music Lyric Video for Climbing Table Mountain.

I hope you are beginning a wonderful new year! Here is the first music video for Climbing Table Mountain from Through Train Windows, it is a very cool lyric video so you can sing along with me! Check it out! 

And 2 new reviews  are in this week too! From BC's esteemed Rektchords Magazine, Slone Fox says, "With a soft acoustic, gentle harmonica and Braun’s powerful voice, every track on Through Train Windows has the uncanny ability to make you nostalgic for places you’ve never been. It also immediately makes you yearn for home, even if you’re physically already there."

ALL the way to shortandweetnyc where Ralph Greco writes, "Although Through Train Windows ends with a rollicking upbeat title track for me, the plodding “Heaven Only Knows,” works better. Unlike anything else of these 13, with a descending chorus line, Polsky hitting laconically, and droplet bass notes and slide from Adam Popowitz, I love how at times things seem to be breaking down into a discordant mess, then right themselves again. This is a weird, wonderful, great tune on an incredible album."

Here's to a terrific 2019! Thanks for reading and watching.

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