Wednesday, February 19, 2014

“Storms make trees take deeper roots.” Dolly Parton

Hi there!

We just had a blast of a windstorm last weekend and it reminded me of this quote. I am thrilled to be interviewed live on BloomingOut WFHB in Indiana Thursday Feb 20 at 6 EST or 3 PST I hope you can listen online at

Entertwine featured an online interview for Conventus at  and there is a  lovely review on decoda as well.

Woo hoo Conventus The Eye of the Heart is now my #1 album downloaded on iTunes, in Canada!
Here's to calm and sunny days ahead!
"Best listened to as loud as your neighbours will tolerate, Conventus is an incredibly strong offering from front to back."  Scott Alexander Abort Magazine

"Her music sounds like the union of Nick Cave with Patti Smith & City and Colour deep in the Canadian forests."   - Joshua Smotherman MTM

"An imaginative display of fine musicianship, potent vocals and heartfelt lyrics, talent like hers doesn't exactly come around too often." - Kevin Sellers Music Emission  
"It’s music that would accompany an acid trip as well as a late night grill out." The Equal Ground

Saturday, February 15, 2014

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